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How many lorazepam .5mg to get high - Lorazepam chemistry and use

Jan 13,  · How much lorazepam should I take to get me high? I have a lot of mg and I have never take it before, and I Will lorazepam mg make you high?

I dont have a tolerance but will be taking 2 ive got a total of 6 before a minor surgical procedure, one the night before and one 45 minutes before.

How much lorazepam should I take to get me high?

Can i get anything out of those 4 leftover pills? If not, what else are they good for? It's not very euophoric and anything more than mg without a tolerance will probably just put you to sleep. I'd save them for stimulant comedowns, as it's pretty good for that. Benzo addiction sucks a huge one. Granted, I've never taken any more than 2mg at once no tolerancebut all that did was put me to sleep, how many lorazepam .5mg to get high.

how many lorazepam .5mg to get high

I've heard that recreational doses of lorazepam start at over 3mg, but I'm not prescribed enough of them yet to warrant using excess amounts for fun.

Supposedly liquid lorazepam is where the fun is really at I have been on xanax for 5 years and want my doc to switch me over cause the xannies do many for me unless i take 8mg vicodelicious I think it's a big letdown.

Sort of like Xanax but lorazepam out .5mg goood Xanax buzz You can get medical amounts for lasting relaxation and anxiety control, but if you do more you don't get how the pleasant buzzed feeling from other benzos like alprazolam, just impaired mental faculties and amnesia.

As mentioned, it is said to be useful for high comedowns as well.

Can you get high on lorazepam?

You should probably keep it until you need it for anxiety. I think ativan is dubbed "not recreational" because it isn't really a party drug like booze or coke. But when you take ativan, you have no worries and feel warm all over. If your idea of a "recreational" drug is something great to get fucked up on when you are bored, how many lorazepam .5mg to get high, ativan is not, if your idea of a "recreational" drug is something that will make you feel good and help you temporarily escape the toils of life, ativan is.

I've never just taken it when i am bored because i do not have enough to spare for such situations, but i feel like benzo's in general, including xanax, are shitty for just getting fucked up.

Mix it with an opioid and some Carisoprodol and you're done. For anxiety, it causes sleep so I dont recommend it.

How many mg. of lorazepam does it take to feel sedated?

Your mileage may vary though, as most people react to different benzos differently. I have seen a buddy take 6mg of xanax on no tolerance and be fine. Next day take 2mg of ativan and be out like a light.

how many lorazepam .5mg to get high

.5mg say keep them for a rainy day, mix with something good like many, or if you are like me, id end up taking them all anyway. For me, lorazepam is more euphoric than alprazolam. The same amount of Xanax just puts me to sleep. I dont know if it blocks so much inhibitory How that I am just speaking too lorazepam of my mind, but lorazepam has been very bad for my social life get the high. Although I find it has rather good anti-emetic properties.

Two milligrams would make me feel about as benzoed as a milligram of clonazepam. Just know your body, and be safe, how many lorazepam .5mg to get high. Or you could just use them for stressful situations, or general trouble sleeping like others have stated above.

PureLife the the mg to mg ratio of xanax to ativan?

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13:50 Micage :
The dependence potential is reduced when lorazepam is used at the appropriate dose for short-term treatment. Supposedly liquid lorazepam is where the fun is really at

14:39 Faesar :
I believe my anxiety was set off by a COPD hospitalization requiring long and heavy dose of prednesone. Abrupt termination of treatment may be accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. Catatonia due to abrupt or overly rapid withdrawal from benzodiazepines, as part of the benzodiazepine withdrawal syndromeshould also respond to lorazepam treatment.