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Roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi - Thông tin về thuốc Roxithromycin

Điều trị nhiễm khuẩn đường hô hấp: Viêm phổi, viêm phế quản, nhiễm trùng đường sinh dục.

Roxithromycin is very similar in composition, roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi, chemical structure semi-synthetic and mechanism of action to erythromycin, azithromycin, or clarithromycin. Antibiotics such as Roxithromycin can often be prescribed for several different infections, including some STDs, upper and lower respiratory tract infections and asthma, gum infections like gingivitis, and bacterial infections associated with stomach and intestinal ulcers.

Roxithromycin is absorbed well into the gastro-intestinal tract, with few side effects, and actively responds to the presence of cryptosporidium, pneumocystis carinii PCPtoxoplasma gondii, and Mycobacterium Avium MAC. Take Roxithromycin by mouth with or without food.

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If stomach upset occurs, take with food to reduce stomach irritation. To clear up your infection completely, take Roxithromycin for the full course of treatment. Keep taking it even if you feel better in a few days. If you miss a dose of Roxithromycin, take it as soon as possible. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule.

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Do not take 2 doses at once. Ask your health care provider any questions you may have about how to use Roxithromycin. Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom.

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Keep Roxithromycin out of the reach of children and away from pets. Contact your doctor or health care provider right away if any of these apply to you, roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi.

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Some medical conditions may interact with Roxithromycin. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you have any medical conditions, especially if any of the following apply to you: Ask your health care provider if Roxithromycin may interact with other medicines that you take.

Check with your health care provider before you start, stop, or change the 150mg of any medicine. Contact your doctor right away if stomach pain or cramps, severe diarrhea, or bloody stools occur. Do not roxithromycin diarrhea without first checking with your doctor. Be thuoc to use Roxithromycin for the full course of treatment.

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If you do not, the medicine may not clear up your infection completely. The bacteria could also become less sensitive to this or other medicines.

Tác dụng của thuốc Roxithromycin 150mg

This could make the infection harder to treat in the future. Roxithromycin only works against bacteria; it does not treat viral infections. Long-term or repeated use of Roxithromycin may cause a second infection. Tell your doctor if signs of a second infection occur. Your medicine may need to be changed to treat this. Use Roxithromycin with caution in the elderly; they may be more sensitive to the effects of Roxithromycin. Use Roxithromycin with extreme caution in children younger 10 years who have diarrhea or an infection of the stomach or bowel, roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi.

If you become pregnant, contact your doctor.


You will need to discuss the benefits and risks of using Roxithromycin while you are pregnant. Roxithromycin is found in breast milk. If you are or will be breast-feeding while you use Roxithromycin, check with your doctor.

Discuss any possible risks to your baby. Check with your doctor if any of these most common side effects persist or become bothersome: Nausea, vomiting, roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi, indigestion, cramps, roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi. Seek medical attention right away if any of thuoc severe side effects occur: Severe price difference between coumadin and warfarin reactions rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, roxithromycin tongue ; 150mg diarrhea; dark urine; decreased urination; fever, chills, or sore throat; joint pain; red, swollen, or blistered skin; seizures; severe diarrhea; stomach pain or cramps; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual tiredness or weakness; vaginal itching, odor, or discharge; yellowing of the roxithromycin or eyes.

This is not a complete list of all side effects that may occur. If you have thuoc about 150mg effects, contact your health care provider.

Roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi, review Rating: 83 of 100 based on 110 votes.

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15:49 Naramar :
Roxithromycin only works against bacteria; it does not treat viral infections. Do not store in the bathroom.

13:28 Vijora :
If you do not, roxithromycin 150mg la thuoc gi, the medicine may not clear up your infection completely. Keep Roxithromycin out of the reach of children and away from pets.