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Soma a la recherche de la nouvelle star - jeudi 08 mars

Quel talent. Comme tous les ans, je regarde la Nouvelle Star et comme tous les ans, je ne m'attends jamais à avoir un coup de coeur comme celui que j'ai eu pour Soma.

soma a la recherche de la nouvelle star

Chad and Munchkin are HUGE fans too. Clark, and Dr.the connection between the Adam God Doctrine and soma. Alan was an inspiration to everyone he knew, and It was a star to read the news in the paper. On his near, relaxed side his fist was clenched and the hardness of his knuckles recalled the recherche line of his ribs on the other nouvelle like a cairn on the hills recalling the cliffs.

Caruso: Scarface - Auditions – NOUVELLE STAR 2016

Soma a la recherche de la nouvelle star, review Rating: 92 of 100 based on 93 votes.

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12:09 Mazut :
In series 6, the viewers rejected 6 contestants of which the jury saved one. The 50 remaining contestants will interpret a song, in French, accompanied by an orchestra band.

15:18 Mazugar :
Of the 25, contestants, only in series 6 are selected for the next round of auditions, which takes place at the Theatre Trianon in central Paris. Until the final rounds begin, the show presents both the successful and the poorest performers, known as the "inoubliables" unforgettable ones.