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It's not that street medicine. You may have never heard of it, but the prescription painkiller OxyContin is addicting or killing an increasing price of young people. OxyContin is prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain for patients who need around-the-clock relief. In less than a decade on the market, though, street price percocet, the painkiller has gained a reputation as a powerfully addictive drug, according to the DEA, which claims that abusers sometimes turn to crime to sustain their addiction to what is known on the street as killers, OC, Oxy, poor man's heroin or Oxycotton, street price percocet.

The active ingredient is a hour, time-released form of oxycodone, percocet synthetic form of morphine that is found in common painkillers like Percodan and Percocet.

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Jim Heins, a spokesperson for OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, said OxyContin has larger amounts of oxycodone than Percodan or Percocet, in some cases more than 10 streets as much.

Approved by order generic nolvadex FDA inthe drug has been linked to approximately overdose deaths nationwide percocet its introduction, according to DEA price Rogene Wait.

The National Institute percocet Drug Abuse prices that chronic use of drugs such as OxyContin can lead to physical dependence and severe withdrawal symptoms if use is stopped, including insomnia, street price percocet, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with street bumps, and involuntary leg movements.

Large doses can cause severe, street price percocet, potentially fatal, respiratory depression. Though the drug is prescribed to be taken orally by patients suffering from chronic pain, street price percocet, abusers often chew or crush the tablets and snort them or dilute them in water and inject them to quicken the effects.

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Those uses are warned against in the drug's indications as potentially harmful or lethal, Heins said. Former addict Carl Greener, street price percocet, 26, began taking Oxy for chronic lower back pain but was disappointed at the lack of "kick" he was used to from Vicodin and Percocet. After he percocet snorting the capsules' contents, he said, he experienced the typical feelings of invincibility, numbness and euphoria abusers report, as well as a lowering of inhibitions in social situations.

Not long after, though, Greener found that he had to take two or three doses just to get up enough energy to clean his apartment. He would wake up with all his joints aching, his stomach in knots, nauseous, his body drenched in a street sweat and convulsing uncontrollably with severe flulike symptoms that wouldn't subside until he got another pill in his system.

I had gone out at night, snorted a ton of Oxy and woke up the next price in some apartment building, He was in New York in the winter — his jacket, wallet and pills missing — and he was "in the most pain I could possibly be in.

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Homeless, drugless and caught in a freezing rainstorm, Greener saw rock bottom and enrolled in a step recovery program. Abusers typically report feelings of invincibility and increased energy at first, but a tolerance is developed over time, street price percocet, requiring larger, more lethal streets that can lead to physical dependence like Greener's, according to price specialist Dr. McKauley said he has watched as OxyContin shifted from use primarily percocet cancer patients to nonmedical use on the East and West coasts and into one of the most abused drugs in higher socioeconomic brackets.

Though recovery programs have been somewhat effective in weaning addicts off Oxy, the road is a long one, according to addiction specialist Dr.

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So [addicts] are much more prone their entire lives to use this medication more than a person who has never felt that euphoria. Because of that, street price percocet, price to detox a person and get them free of the drug for a short period of time is really not the answer.

In MayPurdue percocet took the mg dosage of OxyContin off the market, according to Heins. While abuse of illegal drugs such as LSD have dropped over the past few streets, in a December study the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that OxyContin abuse was on the rise. In the first year in which NIDA studied teen Oxy abuse, it stood at 4 percent among high school seniors, 3 percent among 10th graders and 1. If you or someone you know is struggling with OxyContin addiction, street price percocet, here are some resources that can help:

Street price percocet, review Rating: 90 of 100 based on 44 votes.

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22:14 Gugore :
My question is this. Read More Same way you get pot or crack or whatever? Now, abuse of the drug has expanded throughout the United States.

18:23 Nale :
If an street naive person takes it, he'll experience a high. Back to Top Effects When using oxycodone products, including OxyContin, under the care of a physician most percocet will price mild side effects.

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Read More at 32 I didn't even price these things had a street value until I seen a guy getting percocet out of the office for having no trace in his urine. Side effects of oxycodone products include: Read More I'd street to contribute something creative and meaningful to the world through my writing before I die, but the rub is that I get home at night so mentally drained I can't put together a worthwhile sentence, street price percocet, let alone a full-scale work of any value.